Faris is restrained from eating what he likes and cant engage easily in outdoor play and sports, due to his mom’s fear of germs and disease.
Effect of the Problem:
1. Faris’s mom and dad fight a lot too due to conflicting ideas regarding Fari’s best interest.
2. Faris’s confidence is affected as he’s judged by his peers for his food selection.
3. Faris feels outcasted due to his strict lifestyle.
4. Laila is always anxious and stressed regarding Faris.
Knowledge of the Solution:
Faris’s dad introduced the DNA test to Laila as a new way to find middle ground, they were interested to discover that the test gives specialized and personalized results that fit the individual to his own distinct biology and livelihood habits.
They felt they could settle their problem by giving the test a go and see what it recommends.
Effect of the Solution
Laila was shocked to discover that all that she was trying to do to benefit was almost wrong, the results indicated no allergies to foods, higher than average immunity and a Faris’s high metabolism rate.
All this info and having a 1-1 consultation session with a specialized nutritionist and health adviser gave new hope to Laila to break the strict, and unbeneficial lifestyle she had been pushing.
Faris has seen the changes from every aspect, he is simply a happier child who plays, socializes and experiments more as any child should, more so his balanced diet made him eat more variants of food that provide better nutritional value.